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Get In Touch

    Common Questions

    I have a sliding scale to make working with me more accessible.  We discuss all logistics (including price) after our sample session, when we believe that working together is worth exploring.

    • If you prefer, I am happy to meet in person at my location. 
    • Most coaching sessions, however, are conducted virtually. We can use video or phone, depending on what format helps you be the most present.

    My life was radically changed by my first coach, the wonderful Susannah Southgate. She helped me get out of my own way, unlocking my potential and helping me author my life.

    Success looks like you living the life you want.  And so, I have all of my clients begin by crafting powerful intentions + goals that will inspire them to fully show up. Periodically, we will refer back to these intentions and goals to track progress and adjust accordingly. We double down on whatever works, and evolve or throw out whatever doesn’t.  

    What happens in our sessions, stays in our sessions. Everything said in a coaching conversation will remain completely confidential, and I take your trust very seriously. To read about this and more, please refer to the International Coaching Federation’s code of ethics, which I follow.

    I am fortunate to regularly coach teams and leaders through my work at Cusp.  The Cusp mission is to develop leaders we want to be led by: those who inspire, empower, and grow. If you’re looking for corporate coaching, reach out and I’d be happy to discuss possibilities.